Кусто Агро

Landlords are strategic partners of Kusto Agro; we are building productive and fruitful cooperation with them.

Why is it profitable for landlords to cooperate with Kusto Agro?


0 800 215 215

Kusto Agro for the community

We perform repairs of schools, kindergartens and other public buildings

We organize improvement
of the village territory

We buy office equipment for schools, kindergartens, and libraries

How do I enter into a land lease Agreement?

1 Contact our social work specialist of Kusto Agro in your locality or a free hotline by phone:: 0 800 215 215

2 Read the terms of the Agreement form:

  • Term of the lease Agreement
  • Amount of rent
  • Purpose and conditions of use of the land plot

3 Prepare the necessary documents:

  • ID code of the land plot owner
  • Passport of the land plot owner
  • Certificate of inheritance, if the land plot is inherited
  • Title document for the land plot

4 Sign the Agreement, and we will conduct its state registration.

5 Get one copy of the Agreement and a copy of the document confirming the state registration of ownership rights.

Do you need financial assistance?

Well-being and joy in your homes are important to us. But sometimes difficult situations happen in life. We are ready to support our landlords both morally and financially.

If you have a difficult life situation, please contact the social workers of the company Kusto Agro in your localities or by calling the hotline: 0 800 215 215.

List of documents to receive financial assistance for burial:

List of documents for receiving financial assistance for medical treatment: