Кусто Агро

The end of the year is a good time to reflect on and summarize problems and achievements. The war was arguably the most important factor in determining the 2022 agrarian season. Kusto Agro’s top priority was therefore to keep people safe. And later, after weighing the risks and recognizing our responsibility as an agricultural enterprise that food security is of paramount importance during this difficult time, it was decided to go ahead with the sowing campaign anyway. We responded immediately to changes in crops land structure, reducing corn acreage and sowing buckwheat to ensure the national food security.

Apart from the hazards in the field, agrarians faced many other obstacles during the sowing: problems with logistics, fuel and material for the sowing campaign. However, thanks to the team’s well-coordinated work and good planning, the Kusto Agro enterprises were provided with everything they needed and the spring crop planting was completed on time.

2022 was a year to explore new opportunities in exports and logistics. With ports closed, the Kusto Agro team has opened new export routes via Poland, Moldova, Romania and Hungary. We have learned to plan, and this helps in production even in these difficult times. Our own wagon fleet is also a big advantage, since the Company, in any case, is independent from the forwarder and does not incur additional costs for renting of wagons, given that transit time sometimes exceeded 3 months. This allowed the Company to sell last year’s harvest and free up storage capacities for the new harvest.

By the end of the summer, the conditions were perfect for sowing winter crops, but the autumn harvest campaign presented a new challenge. For agrarians, it has been a long time since we have seen severe weather conditions like this fall. No one can control the weather, but we can effectively manage the available resources. Therefore, the team constantly monitored the data, kept the equipment close at hand, and continued harvesting as long as possible. Overall, the 2022 harvest campaign lasted almost four months.

The season has certainly been challenging, but together we have overcome many challenges and found new opportunities for growth. We will hold the agricultural frontline and keep working for the future of Ukraine!

Awesome Work

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